The Best Ways To Organize Your Kitchen


Since we are all at home and most of us are in the kitchen much more than normal (at least I am) I thought I would share a few tips that have helped make it easy to use my kitchen. Before you go buying new stuff to organize, go through your house and look for things that you can use. Old baskets, Tupperware containers and other random things can be repurposed.

Place items within reach

This might make you think, well duh, but when we first got married, I just put things all over the place. It wasn’t until after a few of our moves that I quickly realized I needed a system. Now, everything has a place. For example, our cups near the kitchen sink and refrigerator for easy access when we’re thirsty. Cooking utensils, spices, baking supplies are right next to the stove so when I’m cooking they are all right there. The dishes are also near the stove, so when I’m ready to serve what I just cooked it’s conveniently right there. The knives and cutting board are near the trash can so when I’m chopping, I can just dump everything right into the trash. 

Use your space wisely

Use things that add height so you can actually see what’s it’s in your cabinet. This is especially good if you’re limited on cabinet space! I love a lazy susan for this same reason so that you can spin it and see everything. Cookie sheets, chargers or placemats slide right into this and save space or you could use a standing file holder, too.

Put kids stuff where they can reach it

The kiddos always love to help and by putting their dishes within their reach, they can easily access what they need and are able to do it on their own. This helps you out and gives them something to do, win-win. If you want to really be organized, put their plates in one basket and cups in another. You can even print out a picture and tape it to the basket so they know exactly where it goes.

Non essentials up-top

I like to store trays, cookie sheets, back-up paper goods, and vases high on a shelf in less accessible places. Tip: stash a collapsible step stool in between the fridge for those hard to reach objects. 

Go through all of your drawers

If you’re like me you probably have duplicates of stuff or some kitchen accessory you have never used. Chances are if you haven’t used it in 6 months, you won’t need it! 

Command hooks

These are one of my favorite tricks for anywhere in the house. I put these on the inside of the cabinet to hang my oven mitt so it’s easy to grab. You can hang the lids to the cooking pans from these also. There are so many things that be done with these!

And that’s it! Those are some of my best kitchen organization tips that have helped me and I hope will help you, too!


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I’m Ambre. I’m a wife, mama and photographer. My days are filled with joy while capturing memories and chasing around my daughter. Join me as I share snippets of client sessions, behind the scenes and what inspires me. Let’s make moments stand still together!



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