4 Tips To Get Your Baby To Sleep


First, I want to start off by saying - you will sleep again. I know you are here because you are wondering how can I get my baby to sleep? You are probably reading this, squinty eyed as your little one is restless in their crib and you just need a quick second of that bright light to wake up (besides caffeine of course) but you will sleep again... it just takes time. And second, I am by no means a professional. This is just one mom sharing her opinion to another mom. Always talk with your pediatrician, they are the professionals. Ok so now we got that squared away, let’s get started!

This girl right here, not a morning person. I’d rather stay up late watching Netflix marathons than have to wake up early. No, thank you. And when you’re pregnant you hear everyone say, “enjoy your sleep now. That’s never going to happen again.” I sort of panicked thinking how on earth am I going to function on no sleep. That’s when I came across Taking Cara Babies (Btw, I am in no way paid or an affiliate to say this) and fell in love. I am very much a Type A kind of person. I like to have a plan and stick with the plan. I go with the flow of course (because you have to with a baby, c’mon!) but I like to be prepared. Here I was, 8 months pregnant with swollen ankles kicked up on the couch, scrolling through her instagram soaking it all in. After reading all her amazing reviews, I gave in and purchased her newborn class. And let me tell you, worth its weight and gold. I now tell every mama-to-be about her. Seriously, like we didn’t have a clue what the heck we were doing. She helped us learn how to soothe our baby, read hunger and sleepy cues, how to swaddle but most importantly, meet my baby where she was developmentally.

How To Get Your Baby To Sleep

  1. Pay Attention to Wake Windows: The amount of time a baby can be awake before they are overtired

  2. Feed Every 2-3.5 hours (depending on the age and recommendations by your doctor)

  3. Create a routine and stay consistent

  4. Pause - babies are noisy sleepers and can sometimes cry in their sleep. Wait a few seconds or minutes before running to them right away.

Product Recommendations

Below are some of the products we used that I LOVE and really helped us get our daughter long stretches of sleep, which meant mama and dada could get some sleep too.

Ollie Swaddle & Love to Dream Swaddle (before she could roll over)

Nested Bean (weighted on the chest to resemble touch)

White Noise Machine: Marpac Dohm , The Baby Shusher

I hope you find these tips helpful as you are on the journey to sleeping again.


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I’m Ambre. I’m a wife, mama and photographer. My days are filled with joy while capturing memories and chasing around my daughter. Join me as I share snippets of client sessions, behind the scenes and what inspires me. Let’s make moments stand still together!



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