Why You Should Do A Maternity Session

So first things first, obviously I am a photographer - but as a mama myself, I always recommend doing a maternity session to friends, clients and expecting mamas. I know there are so many hesitations or excuses we give ourselves, but I’m here to ease your nerves!


What is a maternity session? 

It’s a photoshoot with just you, your spouse/partner and any other children you may have. It’s totally up to you who you want to include in these photos. It’s a somewhat new thing in the past 7-10 years.


After working with my clients, so often I hear is that they skipped out on one with their last pregnancy and regretted it.



  1. It’s a time to celebrate your child growing inside you and embrace your body as it is. Our bodies can do some pretty incredible things! 

  2. You will forget what it’s like. We all know how fast time flies by and long after you’ve had your little one, it’s almost hard to imagine what you looked like - a distant memory. I had my own photos taken while I was pregnant and my daughter points to the frame on the wall at my tummy and says, baby. It’s such a special time regardless of how the pregnancy may have been - to have gone through it and now have our babies from it.

  3. A new chapter will begin. Your life is about to change FOREVER. I know, I know we think we know, but we don’t until we’ve actually experienced it. It’s why you should have this season you are in captured to treasure for years!

When should we schedule a maternity session?

I recommend scheduling the session 28-34 weeks as this is the ideal time frame where you aren’t super uncomfortable yet. And this schedule is perfect in case you end up on bedrest or the baby decides to come early. 


I hope I have helped ease any nerves you may have & hope you document this special season!


Laguna Beach Maternity | Melany & Jared


Huntington Beach Lifestyle Newborn Photographer | Baby Oliver