An Easy Cleaning Routine For Busy Moms


With a toddler at home and running a business, this mama needs to use her time wisely. So finding a routine that works for me and trying to stay consistent, helps me stay sane.

Daily Routine

  1. Making our bed

  2. Grabbing a load of laundry and throwing that in the washer even before grabbing a cup of coffee.

    Emily Ley, author of A Simplified Life had shared this hack and it makes tackling the laundry much easier. I used to have piles of laundry in the room and wonder how in the heck was I ever going to get it all done. So I would much rather throw a load in and pop it in the dryer at some point during the day and fold it if I get to it. But if I’m being totally honest, I don’t really care if they are wrinkly as long as they are clean. My husband might say otherwise, though. 

  3. Dishes

    Now, at the end of the day is when I try to get all the dishes and my cleaning routine done. I would much rather get to this all at the end of the night, than being stuck in the kitchen instead of playing with my daughter. So after dinner, bath and bedtime routine, I will start on the dishes. Putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, running it if necessary and hand washing the others.

  4. Wipe Down Counters
    Then, I will wipe down all the counters and use the handheld vacuum to suck up all the crumbs that have gathered by her highchair. Wait, isn’t that what our dog is for?

  5. Toy pick up
    Putting the toys back to where they belong. If we brought anything downstairs throughout the day it gets put in a basket by the stairs and brought up at the end of the night to put stuff back where it belongs. We have 4 flights of stairs, so this saves me time going back and forth all day.

    I know this evening routine might sound inconvenient and take a lot of time, but it actually doesn't and probably takes us about 15, 20 minutes to get it done before we start our Netflix show. I would much rather wake up in the morning with a fresh clean start to the day than already have a pile of dishes in the sink and toys everywhere. Obviously some nights I don’t get everything done and I’m fine with that. I give myself grace and realize I can’t always do it all. But for the most part, I try and stay consistent so i’ll have a clean start to my day.

    Weekly Routine

    1. Vacuum & Mop
      I try to get this done once or twice a week. I’ll vacuum and mop the entire house. This usually gets done on Friday or Wednesday and Fridays. By doing this it seems much more doable.

    2.  Dust and wipe down bathroom counters, toilets & mirrors.

      Because we have 2 animals in the house we have a ton of fur. Like, it’s a never ending battle with fur…. and I’m losing.

      Monthly Routine

      We have a house keeper that comes out and does more of a deep clean like the baseboards, curtains, stove and bathroom showers. This was something that I really put off for a while and was hesitant because I felt like I didn’t need help. But while I was pregnant, I couldn’t do it all - so ever since then it’s been a lifesaver.

      Since having a toddler running around and my business, I just don’t have the time to do it all. So finding someone you trust and is open to using either your products or using “clean products” (which is what I really wanted) was so great and I’m so much more happier!

      So that’s my manageable cleaning routine!  I hope these tips were helpful for you and I would love to hear from you and any cleaning hacks you might have. Share in the comments below!


I’m Ambre. I’m a wife, mama and photographer. My days are filled with joy while capturing memories and chasing around my daughter. Join me as I share snippets of client sessions, behind the scenes and what inspires me. Let’s make moments stand still together!



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